Photo: Bea Rodrigues

Breath and Expanded Choreography - cancelled

Workshop with Jana Unmüßig, Lisa Densem

In the frame of Sommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!

In times of political peace and when we are in good health, we tend not to be aware of our breath. Breathing well or freely is a privilege that we only notice in its absence. In the online version of this workshop, we will begin each day as we had planned, working with some of the basic principles of the breathwork practice ‘BreathExperience’. For the second part of the day, we will shift the perspective of choreography towards an expanded understanding, where video work and writing exercises are embraced as choreographic practice.

Number of workshop participants is limited to 10 people.

Jana Unmüßig

Jana Unmüßig is an artist, choreographer and artist-researcher based in Helsinki. The Berlin Artistic Research Grant Program (2020-2021) was leading to a joint project "Breathing With," which also involved Miriam Jakob and Lisa Densem. Jana's qualifications include a D.E.U.G (arts du spectacle) from Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris (2002), dance and choreography training at SEAD (2008), an MA in choreography from HZT (2010), and a D.A. from Theater Academy (Teak) of Uniarts Helsinki (2018). She was a post-doc at the Center for Artistic Research Uniarts Helsinki (2019/2020) and now lectures in choreography at Teak/Uniarts Helsinki. Shifting from freelancing during her doctorate, Jana explores nuanced ways of artistic creation, focusing on intangibility and alternative forms. She balances her time between teaching, research, and parenthood (with two children, aged 5 and 9).

Lisa Densem

Lisa Densem is a New Zealand born performer, choreographer and breath practitioner who has worked a.o. with Sasha Waltz, Laurent Chetouane, Sandra Man, Sergiu Matis and Jana Unmüssig. Her own work and teaching has for many years been directed towards the connected-ness, presence, and well-being of the dancing body – research that brought her to the breathwork BreathExperience (based on the work of Ilse Middendorf) and, eventually, to graduating as a breath practitioner in 2019. Since graduating, she has been experimenting with merging her two practices, dance performance and breathwork, exploring how breath can open new perspectives within a dance context. Lisa is a graduate of the MA Soda programme at the Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT Berlin).

Level: open
In English
Price: 125€
Register here.