Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Time to Meet – Claire Lefèvre “Peachfuzz”

Showing by Claire Lefèvre

Peachfuzz is a solo embracing Radical Softness as a performance strategy and a form of resistance. Claire Lefèvre will develop this piece as a celebration of tenderness and vulnerability, a choreographic caress and a care practice, a sensitive and sensual sticky-sweet dance nuzzling itself in hyper-feminine aesthetics. Radical Softness, a concept first imagined by artist Lora Mathis, is a response to patriarchy's discomfort with anything overly-sensitive and vulnerable, anything emotional, anything which associates itself with femininity. In her research, Claire wonders how to translate Radical Softness into a sensory and tactile embodied experience, and attempts to move (in) the space as a supple and hyper-sensitive body. For this work-in-progress showing, the audience will be invited to take part in a "horizontal feedback session", a gentle and supportive format in which they can share their impressions with the artist while laying on the ground together.

Concept, performance: Claire Lefèvre | Sound design: Zosia Holubowska | Costume: Alex Zehetbauer | Dramaturgy: Andrea Salzmann | Outside eyes: Jacopo Lanteri, Alix Eynaudi | Production: Sophie Schmeiser, Eva Holzinger | With the support of Wien Kultur, Im_Flieger, Tanzfabrik Berlin and Huggy Bears.

Claire Lefèvre

Claire Lefèvre is a French choreographer and performer, living and working in Vienna, Austria. Her works Function Man, S/M and Welcome to the Fisch-Haus have been showcased in several festivals in Austria and internationally and have been supported by Life Long Burning, Im_Flieger, Wien Kultur, BKA, WUK, Brut and Huggy Bears. In her research, Claire is fascinated by the balance between entertainment and seduction in the context of performance. A self-titled language nerd, she also teaches writing workshops, and is a contributing writer for Springback Magazine.

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